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Community Spotlight Videos

MARVEL SNAP releases cards every week. To encourage adoption and conversation, we regularly performed outreach to the official MARVEL SNAP Content Creator Program members to create Spotlight videos for these new cards. This achieves 3 objectives. 

  1. It helped provide a monetary payment to our most engaged and prolific content creators, further incentivizing their continued content creation. 

  2.  It created a regular cadence of content that viewers on YouTube could come to expect, resulting in increased viewership and more subscribers.

  3. It was an effective tactic for investing in the dynamic relationships between the publisher/developer and engaged community. One example of this is how we regularly feature both the largest MARVEL SNAP Creators and some smaller, up-and-coming Creators.

Account Security PSA

An execution from my time in Player Support at Riot Games. Account security is a pervasive issue across all industries. Many individuals (particularly young gamers) fall prey to scammers promising money or free in-game currency.

Free Riot Points Hack was meant to snipe the search term "Free Riot Points" in an effort to drive awareness for account security and to help educate and protect players from bad actors.

Sunday Morning LoLz


Comic by ShrimpLyfe

In  2019 I revived an old campaign that my predecessors at Riot Games had executed several times, as early as 2012.

My team and I held a comic contest where the prizing consisted of iPads (plus pencils) and lots of RP. We got amazing submissions and shipped a couple iPads all over the world, from SouthEast Asia to Europe to North America.

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